Anchor Locker

Anchor Locker

The Anchor Locker is designed for anchor deploying, retrieving and storage. The anchor locker has been designed to make it easier for the vessel operator to store, deploy, and retrieve his or her anchor while fishing alone or for charter operators to perform these functions without a second person.

Anchor Locker

Product ID: MMP-1001

The Anchor Locker has been re-designed to take advantage of our state of the art CNC machinery....
Bow Roller

Product ID: bow_roller

4" Long | 1/2" Hole | Polyethylene
Anchor Locker Replacement Pin

Product ID: MMP1001-P

Anchor Locker replacement pin fits the current model as well as all past models. The pin is...
Base Mount Removable Mount System

Product ID: MMP-10012

Anchor Nest Removable Mount

Product ID: MMP-10011

Trolling Motor Removable Mount

Product ID: MMP-10013

**PLEASE READ** with higher thrust motors such as the Garmin Kraken and Minn Kota Instinct Quest,...
Trolling Motor Offset Plate

Product ID: MMP-10014

Aluminum Backing Plate for Anchor Locker

Product ID: ALBP

The aluminum backing plate was designed to be used either as a spacer or a strongback backing...
Rubber Gasket for Anchor Locker

Product ID: MMP-1003

Our Anchor Locker Rubber Gasket serves several purposes. The rubber gasket acts as a spacer; some...